User Manuals

!If The Compressor or air dryer or the filters are the first screw compressor / air dryer / filter experience of the user or user has never performed the PM required before, It is a MUST to have the first service of each item to be performed by any local compressor service company. If the first service is performed by the owner who has no previous experience on screw compressor / dryer / filter servicing, the product warranty may be void and additional charges to fix the product may arise.

!Perform any service if;
• Person going to work on the compressor is certified,
• Compressor completely shut down and electrically isolated,
• All compressed air is discharged inside the compressor,
• Compressor is completely isolated from the compressed air system.

!User manuals are emailed as an attachment to the sales invoice for the products purchased. They can be downloaded from the members are as well. Search and check the whole knowledgebase for any information required before consulting to user manuals emailed.
User manuals have not been updated since Jan, 01, 2022 but this knowledgebase is replacing instead.

Please refer to your quote for;

For power consumption and the voltage limits of each product please click here.

Please refer to file sent attached to the email send with your invoice for the topics can not be found in this knowledgebase.
If there are questions unanswered in the user manual or by this knowledge base please post a feedback to US Air Compressor. The information needed shall be immediately answered and/or added to this knowledge base.

!Search and check the whole knowledgebase for any information required before consulting to user manuals emailed.