Case studies in child welfare

This guide is intended as a supplementary resource for staff at Children's Aid Societies and Indigenous Well-being Agencies. It is not intended as an authority on social work or legal practice, nor is it meant to be representative of all perspectives in child welfare. Staff are encouraged to think critically when reviewing publications and other materials, and to always confirm practice and policy at their agency.

About this guide

Case studies and real-life stories can be a powerful tool for teaching and learning about child welfare issues and practice applications. This guide provides access to a variety of sources of social work case studies and scenarios, with a specific focus on child welfare and child welfare organizations.

Child welfare case studies, real-life stories, and scenarios

Three case studies, drawn from the New York City Administration for Children's Services. Website also includes teaching guides

These vignettes illustrate how multiple protective factors support and strengthen families who are experiencing stress. From the National Child Abuse Prevention Month website

Each of these cases was developed, in partnership, by a faculty representative from an Alabama college or university social work education program and a social worker, with child welfare experience, from the Alabama Department of Human Resources

Presents the powerful real-life story of Tom Alfandary and his challenge to get help when he was a teenager. Part of the Dress Purple resources found on the OACAS website

This interview ilustrates the racism that exists in the Ontario child welfare system and some of the barriers to better serving African Canadian families

This interactive video simulation from Ryerson University promotes the application of knowledge and skills related to establishing a therapeutic relationship and completing a home visit. While intended for practitioners in nursing it may also be relevant to child welfare professionals

Case studies related to immigrant children and families in the U.S. from the American Bar Association

From the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare

Two case studies from Until The Last Child, an organization that works alongside child welfare agencies to improve permanency outcomes

Interactive piece from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation featuring cases based on real-life situations

A caseworker recalls one of her most rewarding and successful child welfare cases and explains the role that evaluation played in delivering the services and supports that made a difference for two teenage girls and their mother

This case study complements a series of blog posts dedicated to the topic of complex trauma and how children learn to cope with complex trauma

Four case studies from Research in Practice (UK)

This document describes how different families in the UK were helped through family intervention projects

From of the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center's training entitled "Understanding Reactive Attachment Disorder"

Collections of narratives and case studies

Social services and organizational case studies

Multimedia collection of workforce development stories from students, faculty, and child welfare professionals at all levels. From the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute

Series of case studies from the Annie E. Casey Foundation looking at ways of addressing racial inequities and supporting better outcomes for racialized children and communities

This report presents case studies that synthesize the findings, strategies, and approaches used by two grant communities to develop a principle-guided approach to child welfare service delivery for children and families

Case studies from the Child Outcomes Research Consortium, a membership organization in the UK that collects and uses evidence to improve children and young people’s mental health and well-being