12+ Employee Action Plan Templates – PDF, Word

Employees create one of the biggest percentages on the company’s operations. Without them, the company would not be able to operate on a daily basis and might face closure. Employers need to treat them well and monitor their performance. However, not all employees can give the same effort in the tasks that they do. The under performing employees must have their attentions called out. You may also see free action plan templates.

An employee action plan is made so the employee can improve his performance. It contains details and strategies on how to do a better job and deliver what needs to be delivered. This kind of action plan template is also helpful for making the employee understand how his actions and under performance can have a huge effect to the business.

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Printable Employee Action Plan Template

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Employee Action Plan Sample

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Employee Performance Improvement Action Plan

employee performance improvement action plan


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Why Is An Employee Action Plan Important?

An employee action plan sample is important for a number of reasons. These reasons might be caused by one or two factors, and it is almost the same story why an action plan is made.

1. Improving performance

An employee action plan is given to an employee so he can improve his performance. A set of processes have to be undergone by the employee before he gets evaluated at the end of the whole process. The sample employee action plan will urge him to improve his performance.

2. Come up with strategies for training and career development

The employee action plan is not just about an employee being given a time to improve his performance. There are also strategies for his training and career development. It includes several techniques on how to hone his skills. An employee needs to develop his career at some point. It makes him grow not just as an employee but as a person.

3. Clarification on his roles and responsibilities

The document has details on his list of roles and responsibilities as an employee in the company. The employee needs to understand these, which in turn can change the way he performs his job. When he does, he will have a new mindset and approach in doing his tasks. You may also see action plan templates.

4. Provide time frames for improvement

In employee action plans, a certain time frame is developed for the person to improve his performance. Withing that span of time, he has to keep up and enhance his performance techniques so he can keep up with other employees and maintain his position. You may also see simple action plan templates.

5. Reinforce the value of the job being performed

The employee action plan can make an employee realize the worth of the job he is doing. It might not be as big as the others, but it’s still something that should be done with effort, consistency, and perfection. Every kind of job has its worth that other people just don’t see. You may also see school action plans.

Sample Performance Improvement Plan

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Employee Emergency Action Plan

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Employee Workplace Action Plan

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Employee Engagement Survey Action Plan

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Managing An Under-performing Employee

Not all employees in a company can perform well. Each person has their own intensity of giving effort in their jobs. There are those who do well and those who don’t. There is an effective strategy in managing these kind of people. You may also see allergy action plans.

1. Ask yourself

Before approaching the under performing employee, ask yourself some of the most important questions. Have the employees been made to understand what was expected of them? Are they aware that they are not performing well? Have they been given enough training and reference materials to study on? Are they unfit for their position but possess valuable skills? Do they understand the consequences of not performing well? These questions are important and determining factors when you start dealing with them. You may also see business action plan templates.

2. Prepare documents

Another thing that you must do is to prepare enough documents that show the under performance of the employee. It is usually a record of his performance in the last three months in his job. Documents like this can make the employee understand why he is being called out for not performing well. It avoids unnecessary drama while you are telling him his current situation. You may also see sample emergency action plans.

3. Deal with the matter as soon as possible

It is important that the under performing employee is addressed as much as possible. He needs to understand that his situation can affect his well-being and the business as a whole. If it continues for a long time, it will eventually affect several aspects of the business. You may also see a sample strategic plan templates.

4. Be specific

You have to be specific in telling the employee that he is not doing his job well. Find an area in his performance that needs to be dealt on. Start with the most important matter when stating the employee’s poor performance, then go to the other important ones. It is crucial to make him understand why he is slacking and what could happen if it goes on. Talk in a gentle voice and listen to what he has to say. You may also see career action plans.

5. Take note of the external factors

Under performance can happen for a lot of reasons. If it suddenly appears after holding a streak of good record, someone or something must have greatly affected the employee. Talk them out of it and take note of anything that can be used to improve their performance. It can also be caused by internal factors such as management. You can talk about it and ask their concerns about the way things are managed in the office. Just avoid turning the conversation into a dramatic one. You may also see sample affirmative action plans.

Employee Engagement Action Planning

employee engagement action planning


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Employee Performance Improvement Plan

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Employment Action Plan Example

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Employee Benefits Action Plan

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6. Give them enough training

Employees who don’t perform well need to be given training. It will give them a sense of motivation to learn new things. They have to undergo the same intense training like when they were hired. It refreshes their brains and help them improve in doing their designated tasks. You may also see simple action plan formats.

7. Show them where they belong

Give the employees a clear idea of where their skills belong, and how they can contribute to the small business. Explain to them how they fit in with the company’s objectives and what your company wants to achieve in the future. Providing them with a better understanding on how the company works gives them a sense of motivation. You also have to understand what motivates them to do better in their designated tasks.

8. Agree on the performance goals

Show the performance goals that you expect the employees to achieve at the end of the action plan. If they do agree with it, have them sign the document. Over time, monitor the progress of their performance and reward their improvement. Even after the big improvement has been made, it is always advisable to monitor their progress to see if they can maintain it. Have a follow up meeting of their performance and see how they are doing. You may also see project action plans.

9. Prepare to let them go

You have to prepare for the worst case scenario. When the employee does not improve or fail to reach what is expected of him during the performance improvement, you have to let them go. It would do harm to let them stay given their performance. In this case, talk to the employee about it and thank them for their contribution in the company. You may also see incident action plans.


An employee’s performance matters in the operations of the business. It speaks a lot on how the business moves in the market it belongs into. Aside from that, an employee needs to work hard and dedicate himself to every assignment he is tasked to do.